Half Shields for Pathlights / Bollards

Half Shields for Pathlights / Bollards

Half shield options for select pathlights and bollards allowing just partial illumination for instances where shielding is needed.


HS1 Half shield for L-021 & L-022 bollards
HS17-1 Shield for L-017 drive-over marker light — allows one 60° sector of illumination
HS17-2 Shield for L-017 — allows two 60° illuminated sectors
HSM Half shield with top cap for M-Series pathlights and MB-Series bollards
HSM-LED Half shield for M- and MB-Series LED
HSR Half shield for R-Series pathlights
HS-MB2 Half shield for MB2 bollard
HS-MB4 Half shield for MB4 bollard
HS-MB4-270 Shield for MB4 bollard allowing only 90° illumination